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Xanten - March 2019

"When I arrived at the beautiful Haus Fürstenberg my friends told me I looked worn out ... As I left, they told me my eyes were shining again." J.S., London

The Mahashivaratri celebrations took place at Haus Fürstenberg Ashram near Xanten on the very auspicious day of March 3rd. There was a weekend retreat with bhajans, satsangs, meditation, pujas, group healing, nature walks and joyful sharing. A profound experience for all of us.

This was the experience of J. S. from London:

"When I arrived at the beautiful Haus Fürstenberg my friends told me I looked worn out.  Indeed, I had been running on empty for quite awhile, having faced a series of difficulties including serious health problems.  In spite of a regular meditation practice, so far my approach to these problems had got the better of me.  I sat down for the evening Fire Puja and just followed what was going on, while internally throwing what was weighing me down into the fire.  Shivananda’s talks and Bhajans went on until very late; I was surrendering, I felt carried.  

I slept like a baby that night and the next day there was a beautiful group meditation in Shivananda’s presence. An image started appearing inside of me, totally unprovoked. I found myself in a very quiet inner place and a gently bubbling mountain spring was running fresh and clear water through my soul. This was a very healing moment.  

There were actually other healing moments during the retreat which opened my heart. As I left, my friends told me my eyes were shining again."

Om Namah Shivaya

J.S., London


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Mar 07, 2019

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