Shivananda Swamiji’s World Travels – Poland
August 23 - 26, 2019
Sopot and Kozyczkowo - Poland
Who are you?
"I am what others see in me.
I am what I am not.
I am what the Masters want me to be in this present moment."
Shivananda Swamiji
Shivananda Swamiji, a spiritual master from southern Italy, will visit Poland for the first time. He will come to Pomerania, and will be in Sopot, and nearby Kozyczkowo, where the ‘Center of Spiritual and Creative Styles of Life’ is located, nestled in the middle of the beautiful nature.
Shivananda Swamiji is an enlightened soul and a person who perfectly combines western openness, spontaneity, and freedom of spirit with the treasure of thousands of years of Indian spirituality. In the absolute experience of God, who works unrestricted by no man-made systems, Shivananda is the embodiment of love and gratitude and draws from a rich world treasury of spirituality to convey the messages given to him by God.
It will be a unique opportunity to take part in the first encounter, of the Polish spiritual environment, with this extraordinary spiritual teacher, Shivananda Swamiji. And to come into direct contact and experience the immense energy of love that flows through him and emanates to all those around, is such a huge blessing. We hope you can come and experience this for yourself.
Friday, August 23, 2019
19:00 – Satsang with Shivananda
Saturday, August 24 – 26
7:00 – 8:00 Kundalini Yoga with Marek Miedziewski
9:00 Breakfast
10:00 Opening Program with Shivananda Swamiji
- Bhajans
- Satsang
13:00 - Lunch
14:00 - Satsang
- Meditation and Shakti Movement
16:00 - Individual Healings and bhajans
18:00 - Dinner
20:00 - Fire Puja (Puja of fire – a powerful Vedic ritual)
Program Cost:
PLN 300. per day or PLN 900 for three days which include an overnight stay and three meals a day. We offer a special reduction in price, PLN 150 per day, if you sign up by July 15, 2019.
Individual Healing Sessions are based on heartfelt donations. Suggest donation PLN 126. If you are interested in a personal healing with Shivananda, please register as soon as possible as spaces are limited.
Registration for the three-day workshop:
You will need to reserve the payment of PLN 100 to the account of Marek Miedziewski: 161160 2202 0000 0000 4147 8589, please write in the description: Shivananda Swamiji. Note: For those who spontaneously decide to come will pay PLN 300 daily.
Please contact us as soon as possible, as the number of rooms are limited. In the case that we are all booked up, you can find other accommodations in the area. Marek will be happy to advise you. It is also possible to pitch a tent, if you would like to do so, please ask for the price.
Subscriptions for workshops: Marek at 602 777 202
For further information about the programs in Poland please contact: Alicja Amata Aschmann: or
Phone: +49 -172 - 456 - 4180 (WhatsApp)