Power Journey to Shirdi
July 21-26, 2019
Shirdi, India
Power Journey to Shirdi, India
This trip to Shirdi is a very rare and precious opportunity for you. We will go with Shivananda Swamiji to the ashram, Atma Malik, and receive darshan of Babaji of Shirdi. We will also be having darshan of Shirdi Baba at his Samadhi site, and meditating in his beloved Dwarkamai. It is a tremendous blessing to walk the same ground as these holy saints.
July 21 - 26 - Hotel Sun and Sand, in Shirdi
Double: RS 4,000 plus taxes, includes breakfast
Single: RS 3,650 plus taxes, includes breakfast
Euro 270,-
Paypal Address: contact@shivananda.org
This price does not include any transport cost to places of interest during the program such as donations
when visiting temples, payments to temple priests and flowers for offerings.
It also does not include food or drinks apart from anything stated as included by the hotel. Tips are voluntary.
Please send an E-Mail to registration@shivananda.org
Power Journey to Shirdi, India
Es ist eine unglaublich intensive Gelegenheit einen Darshan an Shirdi Sai Babas Samadhi zu erhalten und Shivananda Swamiji in Babaji`s Ashram - Atma Malik - begleiten zu dürfen.
21 - 26 Juli 2019 - Hotel Sun and Sand, Shirdi
Doppelzimmer: Rupien 4000 + Steuern, inklusive Frühstück
Einzelzimmer: Rupien 3650 + Steuern , inklusive Frühstück
Euro 270,-
Paypal Address: contact@shivananda.org
Dieser Preis beinhaltet keine Transportkosten zu den Veranstaltungsplätzen vor Ort, Spenden ( Dakshina ) für den Besuch der Tempel - zum Beispiel für die Tempel Priester und Blumen als Gaben )
Dieser Preis beinhaltet keine Speisen ,Getränke oder ähnliches, welches nicht im Programm erwähnt oder im Hotel Preis enthalten ist. Trinkgeld ist freiwillig.
Bitte registriere Dich unter folgender E-mail Adresse: registration@shivananda.org
Wir freuen uns sehr, Euch auf diesem intensiven und einzigartigen Programm mit Shivananda Swamiji in Shirdi begrüssen zu dürfen.
Euer Shivananda Swamiji Event Team
Viaggio di Potere a Shirdi, India
Un'opportunità molto rara di ricevere il Darshan al samadhi di Shirdi Sai Baba e di unirsi a Shivananda Swamiji, visitando e soggiornando nell'Ashram di Babaji all'Athma Malik.
21 - 26 luglio 2019 Hotel Sun and Sand, Shirdi
Camera doppia compreso la collazione:
RS 4'000.- più tasse
Camera singola compreso la collazione:
RS 3'650.- più tasse
Il Costo:
Euro 270.-
Indirizzo Paypal: contact@shivananda.org
Nel costo non è compreso: il trasporto ai luoghi di interesse durante il programma, ne la daskhina per le visite ai templi, ne il pagamento ai pujari del tempio o per le offerte di fiori.
Nel costo non è compreso: il cibo o le bevande oltre a quanto già specificato dall'albergo.
Le mance sono volontarie.
Si prega di mandare una email registration@shivananda.org
Speriamo di vedervi a Senigallia per questo evento speciale.
Con tanto Amore,
Il Team Shivananda