Shivananda Swamiji at Conscious Life Expo
7 - 10 February , 2020
Lax Hilton - Los Angels California - USA
Shiwananda Swamiji workshop
Satsang, Chanting and Healing Meditation
With a Modern Day Avatar
Date: Sunday, February 9th - 9:30am -11:00am - Room: La Jolla Ballroom
Tickets: $35.00 In Advance $40.00 At the Door
Dear Friends,
We have our second Matera Divine Love Satsang planned for January . Here are the details:
Date: 15 January 2020
Time: 7.30 pm - 10.30 pm
Place: Al Jail Yoga (please enquire about address when registering at +39389 1986778 ).
Date: 16 January 2020
Private Interviews to book in advance to the number +39389 1986778
The evening will consist of Shivananda Satsang, Darshan and Bajan.
It is very important to let us know if you want to come as places are limited. Kindly register by 12th of January
Dakschina starting 36 euros
Shivananda Swamiji Event Team